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Overcoming the storm: Malignant abuse tactics.


Navigating the Storm: Strategies for Surviving Abusive Dynamics" is a critical lifeline for individuals currently enduring the turmoil of an abusive relationship. This course provides real-time strategies and psychological tools to cope with devaluation cycles, mitigate harm, and preserve mental and emotional integrity. Participants will engage with cognitive-behavioral techniques, NLP coping mechanisms, and safety planning, all while fostering the resilience needed to navigate the complexities of a malignant relationship. The course prioritizes discretion, security, and immediate applicability to provide support for those who may be in danger or under constant stress.


  • 2 Sections
  • 3 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 4h Duration
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Rock Power Chords
0 Lessons0 Quizzes
Rock Power Chords
3 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Introduction to power chords
  2. Methods for power chords
  3. Main power chords
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